Independent Review of the 2020 General Insurance Code of Practice

About the Review

The General Insurance Code of Practice sets out the minimum standards of service and conduct that general insurers must meet in their dealings with customers must be independently reviewed every three years.

The independent review of the 2020 General Insurance Code of Practice will be conducted by former APRA Deputy Chair, Helen Rowel, consumer expert Gerard Brody and insurance expert Paul Muir.

The Terms of Reference for the panel set out the review’s overarching principle of maintaining and enhancing consumer protections, along with Code modernisation, enhancement of customer experience, accessibility, effectiveness and efficiency, and providing customer value


The Review Panel will consult key stakeholders, including the general insurance industry – the Insurance Council of Australia and its members, ASIC, APRA, the General Insurance Code Governance Committee, Code Monitoring Team, AFCA and consumer representatives.

Initial Consultation Paper: April 2024

Media Release: 18 April 2024

Phases of Review

The review of the 2020 General Insurance Code of Practice will be conducted in two phases to align with any recommendations from the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into insurers’ responses to 2022 floods.

Indicative Timelines

Phase 1 Submissions


The first phase of the review of the 2020 General Insurance Code of Practice focuses on general topics such as support for vulnerable customers and the interaction between the Code and existing laws, and governance.

View received submissions here


Submissions can be:

  • Uploaded: Upload your submission in PDF format using below form
  • Emailed to:
  • Posted to: ‘Attention Code Review Panel’ to PO BOX R1832 Royal Exchange NSW Australia 1225

Making a confidential submission

Please note: All submissions the Review Panel receives will be treated as public and published on the Code of Practice Review website unless the author of the submission clearly indicates that the submission contains confidential information and should not be made publicly available.  If you would like your submission to remain confidential, please mark your submission as “Confidential” on the front page.

Make a Submission

Submissions can be:

  • Uploaded: Upload your submission in PDF format using below form
  • Emailed to:
  • Posted to: ‘Attention Code Review Panel’ to PO BOX R1832 Royal Exchange NSW Australia 1225

You may wish to use the list of initial consultation paper questions when preparing your submission.

Making a confidential submission

Please note: All submissions the Review Panel receives will be treated as public and published on the Code of Practice Review website unless the author of the submission clearly indicates that the submission contains confidential information and should not be made publicly available.  If you would like your submission to remain confidential, please mark your submission as “Confidential” on the front page.

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.

The General Insurance Code of Practice

The General Insurance Code of Practice sets out the standards that general insurers must meet when providing services to their customers.

Read more on the ICA’s website